▼Ncpp3ds | |
CAlResource | Base class for classes that require an OpenAL context |
CBlendMode | Blending modes for drawing |
CCircleShape | Specialized shape representing a circle |
CClock | Utility class that measures the elapsed time |
CColor | Utility class for manpulating RGBA colors |
CConsole | Class holding a valid drawing context |
CContext | Class holding a valid drawing context |
CContextSettings | Structure defining the settings of the OpenGL context attached to a window |
CConvexShape | Specialized shape representing a convex polygon |
CDrawable | Abstract base class for objects that can be drawn to a render target |
CEmulator | |
▼CEvent | Defines a system event and its parameters |
CJoystickMoveEvent | Joystick axis move event parameters (JoystickMoved) |
CKeyEvent | Keyboard event parameters (KeyPressed, KeyReleased) |
CSensorEvent | Sensor event parameters (SensorChanged) |
CSliderEvent | Slider event parameters (Slider3DChanged, SliderVolumeChanged) |
CTouchEvent | Touch events parameters (TouchBegan, TouchMoved, TouchEnded) |
CEventManager | Cpp3ds::EventManager is used primarily by cpp3ds::Game for input/event management |
CFileInputStream | Implementation of input stream based on a file |
CFileSystem | |
▼CFont | Class for loading and manipulating character fonts |
CInfo | Holds various information about a font |
▼CFtp | A FTP client |
CDirectoryResponse | Specialization of FTP response returning a directory |
CListingResponse | Specialization of FTP response returning a filename listing |
CResponse | Define a FTP response |
CGame | Cpp3ds::Game example goes here |
CGlResource | Base class for classes that require an OpenGL context |
CGlyph | Structure describing a glyph |
▼CHttp | A HTTP client |
CRequest | Define a HTTP request |
CResponse | Define a HTTP response |
CI18n | |
CImage | Class for loading, manipulating and saving images |
CInputSoundFile | Provide read access to sound files |
CInputStream | Abstract class for custom file input streams |
CIpAddress | Encapsulate an IPv4 network address |
▼CJoystick | Give access to the real-time state of the joysticks |
CIdentification | Structure holding a joystick's identification |
CKeyboard | Give access to the real-time state of the keyboard |
▼CLinearAllocator | This allocator class is useful for when you want to use a STL container (e.g |
Crebind | |
CLock | Automatic wrapper for locking and unlocking mutexes |
CMemoryInputStream | Implementation of input stream based on a memory chunk |
CMusic | Streamed music played from an audio file |
CMutex | Blocks concurrent access to shared resources from multiple threads |
CNonCopyable | Utility class that makes any derived class non-copyable |
COutputSoundFile | Provide write access to sound files |
CPacket | Utility class to build blocks of data to transfer over the network |
CRect | Utility class for manipulating 2D axis aligned rectangles |
CRectangleShape | Specialized shape representing a rectangle |
CRenderStates | Define the states used for drawing to a RenderTarget |
CRenderTarget | Base class for all render targets (window, texture, ...) |
CRenderTexture | Target for off-screen 2D rendering into a texture |
CSensor | Give access to the real-time state of the sensors |
CService | |
▼CShader | Shader class (vertex and fragment) |
CCurrentTextureType | Special type that can be passed to setParameter, and that represents the texture of the object being drawn |
CShape | Base class for textured shapes with outline |
CSocket | Base class for all the socket types |
CSocketSelector | Multiplexer that allows to read from multiple sockets |
CSound | Regular sound that can be played in the audio environment |
CSoundBuffer | Storage for audio samples defining a sound |
CSoundBufferRecorder | Specialized SoundRecorder which stores the captured audio data into a sound buffer |
CSoundFileFactory | Manages and instantiates sound file readers and writers |
▼CSoundFileReader | Abstract base class for sound file decoding |
CInfo | Structure holding the audio properties of a sound file |
CSoundFileWriter | Abstract base class for sound file encoding |
CSoundRecorder | Abstract base class for capturing sound data |
CSoundSource | Base class defining a sound's properties |
▼CSoundStream | Abstract base class for streamed audio sources |
CChunk | Structure defining a chunk of audio data to stream |
CSprite | Drawable representation of a texture, with its own transformations, color, etc |
CString | Utility string class that automatically handles conversions between types and encodings |
CTcpListener | Socket that listens to new TCP connections |
CTcpSocket | Specialized socket using the TCP protocol |
CText | Graphical text that can be drawn to a render target |
CTexture | Some things could easily be broken/////// |
CThread | Utility class to manipulate threads |
CThreadLocal | Defines variables with thread-local storage |
CThreadLocalPtr | Pointer to a thread-local variable |
CTime | Represents a time value |
CTouch | Give access to the real-time state of the touches |
CTransform | Define a 3x3 transform matrix |
CTransformable | Decomposed transform defined by a position, a rotation and a scale |
CUdpSocket | Specialized socket using the UDP protocol |
CUtf | Utility class providing generic functions for UTF conversions |
CUtf< 16 > | Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-16 |
CUtf< 32 > | Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-32 |
CUtf< 8 > | Specialization of the Utf template for UTF-8 |
CVector2 | Utility template class for manipulating 2-dimensional vectors |
CVector3 | Utility template class for manipulating 3-dimensional vectors |
CVertex | Define a point with color and texture coordinates |
CVertexArray | Define a set of one or more 2D primitives |
CView | 2D camera that defines what region is shown on screen |
CWindow | Window that serves as a target for OpenGL rendering |
CEmulator | |
CQSFMLCanvas | |